The Car trip

The warm weather is finally upon us, perfect for a road trip. Therefore car seats are inseparable from car travel. Moreover, we would want our children to feel the comfort of our new sedan. Special seats for your small children means you will be packing more than bags, food or snacks. A children’s cars seat is child’s Holy Grail. They feel super excited and comfortable to travel not only on the car but also on the aeroplane. Car seats have become part of our lives we use them in rental cars and aeroplanes etc. However, the logistics of international travel makes moving with car seat cumbersome. In some countries, the use of child’s car seats is not the norm, consequently forget about finding a rental car with suitable car seats for your children.

The Car trip

Travelling with children isn’t always a fun fest but it’s achievable with proper planning. Thus bringing extra clothes, child’s blanket, paper towels, wet wipes and a garbage bag is essential. It’s not advisable to rent child seats, car seats become compromised if they have been in an accident. Therefore always make use of your own car seat. Having your child in a proper car seat like the maxi cosi tobi means the child will enjoy the scenery and have fun.
A road trip is not enjoyable without snacks, eating keeps us busy or offers us something to do in the car. The children will enjoys the snack bites. Moreover having the children favourite toys like the iPod or portable CD player will come in handy especially when boredom sets in.


I like it when one of us travel from the back seat with the children if there is enough space, face to face contact will distract the child from being cranky. However in every car trip there comes a time when no amount of snacking or singing will keep the children from crying, eventually they will cry, stop and fall asleep.
It’s important to have ample time to travel, as the number of times I have to stop to feed the children, change diapers on the toddler, and stretching breaks. Thus it’s important to acknowledge that the road trip will take a longer time. Taking lunch breaks in between the road trip is indispensable. Hence taking regular breaks will allow the children to blow off some steam making the journey lively.